Using Pinterest to Market your Brand

Are you using Pinterest in your marketing strategy?

Using pinterest in marketing strategy

Using Pinterest to market your brand is an intelligent decision. Pinterest can be used for many purposes whether this be solely for pinning and repinning pins to your boards or to drive more traffic to your website.

Some top tips in using Pinterest to engage your users and build your brand

  1. Do you have a pin it button on your website?, this keeps it very easy for your users to share your content on their boards.
  2. Always add a description to your pin, make sure this is interesting and eye catching.
  3. Research what others are doing, look to see if they are using keywords, are they are offering advice. Analysing this information can help you tweak your pinterest strategy.
  4. Look at the sizes of your images you are using.
  5. Over lay some writing on your images this can be a good way to tell your audience what the content is about.
  6. Create boards that are reflective of your business.
  7. Follow other businesses as they will share content on pinterest as well
  8. Respond to any comments left on your pins.
  9. To help find your images when searching the web for pins, name your pins with keywords and hyphens
  10. Optimise your pinterest page with SEO

Hopefully by following some of these tips it will help build your brand and engage your audience.




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