Will I get notice from Ofsted before our first inspection?


Q – “We haven’t had our first ofsted inspection yet, as we have only been open a year. Does anyone know if they will just turn up or will we still get half a days notice?”


A – “Purchasing this booklet may help you ensure you are fully prepared for Ofsted’s arrival with or without notice Preparing for Ofsted Inspection Booklet

A – “Phone call the day before around lunch time, just had ours last week went fine just share your knowledge about the wonderful work your setting does and is involved in”

A – “Every setting now gets a call the day before they arrive. Unless someone has made a complaint against you, then they just turn up unannounced to investigate that complaint but that’s not a full inspection”

A – “We had our inspection in September it was our first one since opening we had been open 20 months and we had half days notice”

A – “I don’t get why ofsted notify settings of their arrival?! Surely the whole point of them coming is to catch you all off guard rather than putting on an act?”

A – “Well if you have nothing to hide then what’s the problem either way? If you are worried then obviously doing something wrong in your mind”

A – “You’ll get notice, they stopped no notice inspections last September”

A – “Make sure your up to date on British values there hot on all that now.”

A – “It will be half a days notice – unless there’s been a complaint then ofsted can just turn up”

A – “You will receive notice like other inspections. Somewhere between 7-30 months after registration”

A – “We opened in September 2015, we were inspected in March 2016 and we were phoned to be informed the day before”

A – “We recently had our first inspection as a brand new setting – we had half a days notice”

A – “I was a new setting I had mine in Aug my first one and they called me at 12 and gave me half a days notice”

A – “Is still supposed to be a half days notice that’s what was told when we registered”

A – “Yes they usually call you before midday to come out the following day. Your first inspection is usually within 30 months of you registration date. Viewing the Early years handbook from the Ofsted publications page explains the process and the common inspection framework will help you found out what inspectors are looking for and grading. I was previously a inspector.”



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