How does a free flow setting work?


Q – “Does anyone else do free flow in their settings and how is it working and what areas do u have?”

Answer –

A – “You may find this article useful The benefits of Free Flow Play

A – “We do,we just keep the door open at all times and we have all the 7 areas of learning outside too.(it does get a bit chilly at times but we have hoodies and fleeces to wear if we need too the kids love the freedom”

A – “We used to in my old setting, we were quite lucky as there was a smaller garden with a cover that we opened up for children to go in and out as they please whatever the weather, obviously we would get all of the children out in the bigger garden for a run around often too. We found it worked really well”

A – “We have a heavy plastic door curtain to try and keep some of the heat in. Kids love the freedom. As long as your dressed appropriately it’s fine.”

A – “We do, we have 25 kids a day aged 0-5. We spread staff out throughout the building/garden and work with the children’s interests to build the setting.”

A – “We do at our work, between eating and yellow room. Also green and ensuite room we use all areas”



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