Should there be planning for the outdoors environment?


Q – “I’m a TA in a foundation stage classroom and we have free flow. Teachers don’t have any outside days, only TAs, and there is no planning for the outside environment. I often think of activities to do myself, basing it on the curriculum where I can. As the outdoor area is part of the whole setting, should there be some planning or tasks set for TAs when outside?”


A – “Is there any continuous provision planning in place for your outdoors area? Creating Continuous Provision outdoors in early years settings

A – “As a teacher myself I recognise what you describe as poor practice. Teachers should take their full turn and be outside too. Planning for the outdoor area should be in place. Learning in the outdoor area is just as important as indoors. So you are really doing the right thing it are being left very unsupported by colleagues who are probably earning twice your salary. This is not uncommon, and is poor practice.”

A – “I think the outdoor environment should have similar planning to what is done for indoors.. all areas of development should be looked at outside with planning of rotating resources that can be used outside from inside and rotating shed toys etc… I also think tas and teachers should both spend times outside with the children to make observations and for better integrated working because you can then discuss what you’ve seen outside… some children may learn much better outside… recording is also more valuable with both teacher and ta observations of said outside learning…”

A – “Our reception class has a free flow system and the children can choose to spend most of their day outside if they wish.All learning objectives and aims should be the same indoors and outdoors. The teachers and TA’s are all on the rota for outdoors not just the TA’s”

A – “We always plan activities in all areas of development matters both indoors and outdoors that are relevant to the current learning and topics. Also, all members of staff – both teachers and TAs – rotate indoors and outdoors week”

A – “Always plan for outdoors just like we plan for indoors. Teachers should also take turns outdoor, how would they observe their children in outdoor play?”



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