What do settings do about ice on their playgrounds ?


Q – “What do settings do in this frosty/icy weather on their playgrounds, as we are obviously keen for the children to continue to play outside in all weathers?
Pretty much all ‘grit or salts’ recommend to keep children away and could be unsafe? Also do people put grit/salt down on their settings driveways and paths? (Again there is a lot that ‘say’ that we shouldn’t as this could provoke suing if someone had an accident).”


A – “If it is really bad we take a couple of children at a time out on to the back field with iPads to explore, gets them out and about in the fresh air, whilst also covering ict and noticing features in environment. Had lots of winter frost hints this week and the kids have taken some fantastic photos and have loved showing them and talking about them when they come back in”

A – “As long as you risk assess and supervise…allow the children freedom to explore and have fun! They may also enjoy putting table salt onto the ice and watching it melt”

A – “When it snows, use powder paint sprinkled on the snow, they love it. Bubbles go well with snow too.”

A – “We don’t use salt but adapt what we offer outside and the space we use as we have a rather lather harden sectioned for the age groups but as the sun defrosts the area we coordinate age groups to be outside and ensure staff are vigilante and aware of risks”



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