Do nurseries use closed or open facebook groups ?


Q – “Do settings use facebook as a closed or open group with photos of children to promote partnership with parents and to advertise? Also do practitioners set up a facebook account for the setting or as a page on their personal facebook profile?”

Answers –

A – “Some settings have closed groups and others have open ones this depends on settings choice”

A – “We often talk about this situation, we have a Facebook page that is open and often update it with details of events and sometimes photos of activities with children. (We give parents the choice to opt in or out) they gave us signed permission.”

A – “We have an open one but don’t share pictures of the children. We share information and pictures of what the children have been doing ie today they made gingerbread men so we took pictures of those and shared them.”

A – “My daughters nursery have a closed group just for parents.parents are asked to join by management and then when the child has left the management then removes them from the group.the group is really for parents information and dates no children’s info/pics are put on there”

A – “We don’t use Facebook or do any advertising, all our parents are from word and mouth of other parents. We have on average 75 children a day. No need for Facebook if you are a good setting”

A – “We have a nursery facebook page which is private and can only be viewed by parents and staff who are friends with the nursery facebook page. Permissions have to be given for photos to be put on the closed facebook page”

A – “If you read the new updates in safeguarding document – August 23rd 2016 it states about an inspector looking at social media before a visit. Ours is closed because someone I knew got slated for theirs being open because they could see children’s faces even with parental permission”

A – “How can you be sure that parents won’t share photos with others? Even if there is no share option they can save the photo then repost, it’s a mine field ….”

A – “We would ( to continue) always try to show photos with limited view of child’s face when we could and every parent has the right to say no.”

A – “I have a secret parents page for photos during day of what we have been up to and a separate business page where no faces of the mindies are shown!

A – “We have recently had ofsted and have been told to take all pictures of children off out closed page Our parents and us are gutted. This was an amazing link with our parents. Also have lost so many years of memories of our children. They have said that no pictures of children in social media is the way forward”

A – “We have an open page where we post a variety of stuff. All parents sign agreement for photos to be put on social media”

A – “We use it as an open page but with no pictures of the children”

A – “We have an open page for everyone to view with limited photos (no faces) and a closed page for parents and staff which is regularly updated by staff and parents”

A – “We have on open page for advertising and a closed one for parents of existing children. No photos of children are posted on either site”

A – “We have an open page never photos of children on, purely info update, tips, current news etc”

A – “We have open and never use children unless we have parents permission but mainly try not to use photos with children”

A – “My childrens school have a Facebook group it’s a closed group and the admin check there office to make sure that you have child at that school before you are aloud in the group”

A – “I don’t advice anyone to use Facebook to add pictures and details etc.”

A – “We have a profile so we have full control over privacy”

A – “We have both! An open page for general info about the setting – more a marketing tool and a closed group just for parents where we share photos and more detailed info. Is brilliant for our parental engagement”

A – “We have an open page for advertising and updating patents. I also have a closed group where I upload photos. This is for parents only. No other family members allowed to join this page”

A – “We have an account for the setting. A closed group for only the staff and parents of the preschool. I post pictures and videos of the children during activities, I also post information about events and news. If parents agree for their children to be photographed then they must sign a policy that states this and also that the photos will not be shared. The parents really appreciate the group as it gives them an insight as to what their children are learning and their interactions as well as promoting partnerships. The group is not used to advertise.”

A – “We have a page, which is for promotion of the website, staff advertising, and committee news etc and a closed group, which rarely posts pictures of the setting activities, but no children. The group isn’t being used to full potential, there are only 13 members, and not many parents … Committee are trying to encourage broader use.”



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