Should we have CCTV with parent cam in our early years setting?


Q – “Having CCTV installed indoors and outdoors with the possible intention of a parent cam system at a later date. What is everyone’s views on the parent cam?”


A – “Parents can abuse it and become overly obsessed with the smallest concerns and can not always see the bigger picture. Resulting in constant concerns taking up a managers time that isn’t necessary. Good for safeguarding staff and children and investigating accidents that children tend to have without any witnesses. Also good for managers to monitor staff practices. It has it pros and cons but allowing parents to access it can be more trouble than it’s worth. However this is just my opinion based of experience.”

A – “Safeguarding! Parents gossiping about others’ children, especially labelling others as bullies etc.. as a parent and a manager I wouldn’t be keen on this. As mentioned before, parents that aren’t happy with another child or anything they have seen would be forever mentioning it. That’s my opinion.”

A – “I have cctv in my setting but do not have parent cam, some parents asked if we would be setting this up but i think there is too much of a safeguarding risk”

A – “I wouldn’t want my child being viewed by other parents in their home, i do not ever even post pics of my daughter on my private fb profile, parents being able to view within the setting wouldn’t bother me but not at their own home, my personal opinion”

A – “We have CCTV throughout the nursery but do not have parent cam. Parents would be able to look at other children and how do know they’re not showing it to other people? We have children in our setting that must not have their images shared with the public with a parent cam you can not be sure these parents wishes are being met.”

A – “I wouldn’t have it, I’m in the room with my practitioners 98 per cent of the time and can see down our hallway from this room, yes it could help for safeguarding but I trust my staff 100 per cent and have never had a problem in all the years I have been at my setting . I think you should be able to trust your staff implicitly or why hire them in the first place? But then there are only five of us ”

A – “CCTV I think is fine…. If the parents wants to see their children playing and not being upset they ask the manager to see them on the camera”

A – “We have a CCTV camera in all rooms and garden in our settings for parents to access and they love it! Never heard a bad word about it, there is no sound on the cameras”

A – “As a parent I wouldn’t like other parents being able to watch my child from their home. Instead of making me feel more relaxed It would put me off using that Nursery”

A – “We have CCTV but do not have a parent cam, again I agree with the safeguarding element, we are always open if a parent would like to sit in the office with myself and watch their child for a bit, that way you can monitor what is going on and know it won’t be shown to whoever with other people’s children in it!”

A – “I wouldn’t be to keen on putting my granddaughter into a setting with parent cam as you don’t know who else would be with the parents watching to much of a safeguarding risk I think”



1 thought on “Should we have CCTV with parent cam in our early years setting?”

  1. Mum Of Preschooler

    As a parent I have subscribed for access to nursery camera in my sons new nursery and I love it. Old nursery would every day lable him autistic and that he is hitting others all the time when in fact now I can see it myself and there’s none of those behaviours and all the staff has nothing bad to tell about him or his behaviour which gives me relief. For those who afraid of other parents watching their child.. – those cameras on application has very bad quality you cannot even see the face. You only recognise your child because you know him the best! I am happy for this opportunity to see I dont use whole time on it and there’s also limit every day, I can’t access it app day long I just pop in for like 5.. 10 min to see how he’s enjoying himself. Not even bothered about other children. And there is no sound to camera so even if someone did something to him i couldnt bother staff and judge other child without knowing the actual situation.

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