British Value Practitioner Workshop

Why not hold your next practitioner workshop on the British Values

large group of children playing together

As many practitioners are still unsure about the British Values why not plan a practitioner workshop covering the topic British Values. It can be more beneficial to make the workshop interactive and involve practitioners in the meeting instead of someone standing up just talking. Why not follow this agenda or add parts of this to your agenda;

1 Start the meeting by asking practitioners to get into groups of three and ask them to write down on a large piece of paper what they think the British Values are.

2.Go around each group and get a practitioner to talk about what they have written down, write the answers on a large piece of paper for all to see. Discuss any of the points further if you feel you want to

3. Use this WhataretheBritishValuesHandout to explain to practitioners what the British Values actually are and talk about how it’s not about the Big Ben, Black Taxis, etc . To help them understand more about this topic use the words Our Values’ and explain that what they are already doing in practice eg teaching children to share, understanding rules and boundaries, joining in cultural celebrations etc is what the British Values actually is.

4. Break down each of the categories and give an explanation of what each one actually means

  • Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

5. Get practitioners back into their groups and get them to write down how they actively promote the British Values within their room.

6.Discuss what practitioners have written down and write these on a large sheet of paper for all to see

7. Ask the large group questions of what further activities, experiences they could do to promote the British Values, don’t forget to suggest parent partnership ideas.

8. At the end of the practitioner’s workshop ask the group if they have a better understand what the British Values are and if they feel confident in talking to Ofsted about how they actively promote the values.




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