Early Years Training courses in West Berkshire
Early Years Training courses in West Berkshire offer those working in the Early Years sector a way of developing their skills and knowledge. It is also a way of bringing colleagues together to share best practice. The courses available reflect the needs of the sector and all they provide professional with the necessary information to help their practice. All professionals working in the Early Years sector can book onto these courses, how ever if your role is an early years practitioner approach your manager first who will make the booking To view the available courses click the link below
3 thoughts on “West Berkshire Local Education Authority Early Years Training Courses”
I am a trained and experienced early years teacher and trainer. My particular areas of expertise are adult/child interaction and conflict resolution with young children. I have led courses for Berkshire in the past along with Betsy Evans a lead early years expert from the USA. I am looking to offer training courses for early years practitioners and wondered if you would be interesed in talking with me?
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Hi Rachel
We have emailed you.
Hi Rachel
Would you be able to send us some information about what training courses
you are able to offer and then we can have a look through them and get back
to you. Email [email protected].