Is it beneficial to complete the EYTS? Ive heard mixed reviews!


Q- “I am looking into doing my early years teacher status, Has anyone done the EYTS and is it beneficial? I’ve heard mixed reviews”


A-      “Yes I did it a couple of years ago, it was hard going 3-4 months, found my BAhons easier!! Saying that there were elements such as staff meetings and in-house training have really been shaped by doing it through the evaluation and evidence formats required for the folder and feel our team is even stronger with good consistent approaches to practice”

A – “I did the eyps which is the same just changed the name, it hasn’t been beneficial to my job I found there were no relevant jobs that fit with it”

A –I completed the EYTS last year and during that year went from TA to Deputy Manager and then Manager in 3 months. I found the course inspired me to lead because my confidence and knowledge had increased”

A –I did EYPS while I did my degree, I think it was useful at the time for additional placements, extra knowledge and having extra things to complete to give me more experience, but since then I haven’t found it beneficial at all really!”

A – “I did it and I found it a really good way to brush up on my skills, experience and knowledge across the whole 0-5 age range. I viewed it as good quality CPD rather than a route to anything else”



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