Can an apprentice be counted in ratio?


Q – “Can I ask if settings allow apprentice 17 yrs old to be counted in staff numbers on her second day?”


A – “Haven’t come across this yet but I would say no,not as an apprentice and the fact you don’t know her competency yet.surely she would need to have a buddy and a trial period”

A – “I really do think only people with early yrs qualifications could b counted in rota so no i dont think they should people with out qualification arent experience and have no knowledge”

A – “No we assess over 4 weeks out of ratio and meet once a week giving clear feedback and expectations, if competent only used for a few children and usually in the older rooms like preschool for 2/3 children then build up if in babies will be heavily supported by the nursery deputy so is given clear guidance”

A – “After 2 days you would not have gained enough of an insight into their competency. We count our apprentice in ratio but she had been with us for a year on a student placement, so we knew she was more than capable”

A – “I am sure you can only use a 17 year old in the ratios once you feel they are competent and trustworthy! So no to 2nd day, I wouldn’t do it until the end of their probationary period at the earliest!”

A – “No. Our apprentice has been supernumerary for her first term, and will be counted in numbers for 50% of her time from January as I’m happy with her practice”

A – “Apprentices can only be counted in ratio if they are competent, can you really make a judgement on someone’s competency within two days?”

A – “We were told you could use 17 year old students and 17 year old apprentices in your numbers, as assistants not qualified obviously.”

A – “Yes because they are payed employees”

A – “Not if it can be helped in the first instance, I would be allowing them chance to settle and learn the role as an extra member of staff and then after regular supervisions, that show competence, I would use them if needed. That being said however, in my experience, often young apprentices can be far more competent and trustworthy than other older and supposedly more experienced and qualified staff members!!”



4 thoughts on “Can an apprentice be counted in ratio?”

  1. Lorraine Quinn-Rembisz

    My 17 yr old (will be 18 in August) took up a modern apprenticeship in a private nursery mid June she works 42hrs per week- 9hrs a day with 30mins break. She requested a week off in October for family holiday but was refused as 2 members of staff are already off on 2 of these days. Surely that can’t be legal as I thought students/apprentices wouldn’t be counted as ‘staff’ what’s the legalities here? She likes her job but we are disappointed she has been refused theses dates. Please advise.

    1. apprenticeships are counted into ratio in nursery if they are considered competent when they are over 17. If she is counted in and 2 staff are already off it is normal practice to refuse dates for holidays as the nursery cannot run without being in legal ratio!! It is the only way holiday can be sorted at a nursery….first come first served 🤷‍♀️ 😊

  2. I am an apprentice nursery assistant and from day one was counted in the numbers I googled this think8ng this must be wrong have no experience other than the 3 children I have and have done a health health course with experience with the elderly with dementia.
    I personally do not feel like I know enough to be counted in ratios I’m work8ng often in a class of 16 sometimes more 2 year olds and counted as 1 of the 4. In addition I find 8m a strain with the other assistants as they are trying t9 show or explain what to do but constantly I terupt8ng when I need to know what to do in certa8n circumstances. Guidelines just say when c9npetent if been that 2 weeks??????

  3. Here are some information from the Government web page: “Apprentices can be included in the unqualified part of the staff to child ratios in an early years setting providing they are competent and responsible.

    This means that an apprentice working towards a level 2 or 3 apprenticeship can’t take up a level 2 or 3 position, and count in the ratios at either level, until they have achieved their level 2 or 3 early years qualification. However, they can take up a post where a qualification is not required and be included in the unqualified part of the ratios.”

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