Can you share some activitiy ideas for reception children for a working interview

Question –

Q – “Currently a childminder and have an interview to work as an eyp in a school next week. Need to teach 30 reception children for half an hour on absolutely anything! What would you guys recommend? It is just before Children in Need. Should I base ideas around this theme?”

Answer –

A – “Wow! 30 children for half an hour is going to be a challenge to keep them engaged, I would try to break up the time, for eg 3 different activities for ten minutes but all related to the same theme…If that makes sense! Perhaps you could split into groups and rotate?? Just an idea. Good luck”

A – “I am a TA in reception we have 3 classes 2 mixed ability and one lower. I would say read a story with puppets or story spoons. All little children in our school love stories and then recall the story and let them in groups do a small activity that they can all do without support off teachers 🙂 ..Maybe cutting out and ordering the story in pictures ?”

A – “When I worked in reception class the only activities we did as a whole class involved a story first or using the iboard as an opener with a follow up activity afterwards. Often during the follow up activity we would choose children to play an active role in the learning which would encourage the class to pay attention and behave, so we would choose them to join in too. This is also useful if you have a fidget in the class who needs to be active rather than finding it difficult to stay sat. All other activities indoors were then done in small groups that rotated around a range of independent activities that were related to the original group activity. I.e. draw/ paint the main character, build the characters house out of lego etc.”

A – “I think I’d read a story with great questioning then sent up 7 pen ended activities linked to that story there children can mixed and take the activity to a level they are comfortable. If you only do three that 10 children in each group which is a lot”

A – “I do t think it really matters what you do the activity around. I think they will be looking at you being able to teacher all levels, including all, fun, holding children for the 30 mins etc”

A – “I love reading! I’d read a book, I’d then get children to get into groups and retell their favourite bits of the story! The gruffalos child or stick man! Good luck”

A – “Is there anyway you could find out the topic of the class toy will be in a volunteer as a hlta and followed there planning depending on their topic”

A – “is it in mixed smaller groups?? 30 is a lot we used to do it in groups of 5 ability wise so would think about lower ability and higher as well so have a more challenging activity and a one simpler”

A – “Bear hunt is a good book for children of that age. Then maybe you could create a bear hunt for them”

A – “Phonics is a good one and you can provide activities for them to go off and try after your lesson like whiteboards to try writing the letter building words with pegs initial sound items etc”

A – “Well done. Go with what you are comfortable with all that wealth of experience behind you will know what is right”

A – “The smartest giant in town is a great book for cross curricular. You could read the story and ‘find’ his clothes get the cheapest. To hold them have a couple of activities e.g design your own clothes look at the animals who tried to help write to the giant. Don’t keep them sat for more than 10 mins without some sort of movement. Good luck you’ll be great”

A – “Room on a broom intro then children choose exploring using media …. Black paint !!!!!!!!! Gold paint …. Play dough …. Role play ….. Dressing up….. 10 mins story .. 15 mins activity 5 mins sharing ….”



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