Q – “I got my childcare level 2 a few years ago but most nursery want a level 3 childcare I currently work within a nursery agency I get full time hours, I would like something more permanent. I have not got my gcse math or English I am doing a night course at college functional skills math and gcse English I am finding it really hard to do, but on the other and I have lots of experience with in early years it’s a shame to throw it all away which I love working with children Can you advise anything else I could do please?”
Answers –
A – “Could an apprenticeship be for you?“
A – “Have a look for your nearest Bright Horizons nursery – we offer a level 3 apprenticeship while you work full time and the support you get is brilliant. There are maths and English tutors to help you pass your gcse’s which you have to study at the same time. Also keep your ears out for an announcement from the government regarding early years qualifications which a little bird has told me is coming soon….”
A – “I would advise you to do a GCSE maths course, I’ve been told that some universities are no longer accepting functional skills equivalency tests if you wish to convert a foundation degree into full degree. I realise at this point in time you aren’t thinking of a level 5 or 6 but you may do in the future.”
A – “Don’t give up, find a supportive nursery. My friend was working whilst studying towards hers and gaining all the experience! I was Level 3, but re-took my GCSE maths on a night course. 2hrs on a Monday night for the duration of a year and sat the exam in the summer. I left my nursery because they overworked me so I couldn’t revise or fit all my work in, but found a really supportive school! Just need to find the right workplace for you, who will support you and help towards your success! I’m now studying psychology at University! You can do it!!!”
A – “Don’t give up! Would be silly to give up mainly full time supply work for an apprenticeship in my opinion! Persevere with the GCSE’s! It will be worth it in the end”
A – “Don’t give up! Lots of nurseries & pre-schools are looking for level 2 staff, as having all level 3’s is quite expensive & with your experience that does count for a lot too & your level 2!”
A – “Don’t give up, keep striving, I work full time as a teaching assistant, in my last year at uni and also am studying for my maths GCSE. I think the requirements are only going to get higher. You can do it!”
A – “I’m doing my level 3 with maths and English but it had to be the full G.C.S.E’s to pass the course. I couldn’t do functional skills as it didn’t class as the right grade so I have to get a c or above in both. All of mine is done through learns direct”
A – “I did my level three through and it was well worth it, I worked 4 days and had a fifth for the paperwork, took just over a year and I only have standard grades in English and mathematics
A – “I did my level three through and apprenticeship and it was well worth it, I worked 4 days and had a fifth for the paperwork, took just over a year and I only have standard grades in English and mathematics”
A – “I’ve done my course through work where the assessor comes out to your setting and most courses do the maths English with it”
A – “If you do a level 3 apprenticeship some colleges put you through maths and english as part of the qualification”
A – “I work for Busy Bees and they have their own training scheme. Just a thought”
A – “Learn Direct might be able to help you out”
A – “Look at the Pacey website, it’s all online so you can do it in your free time and you have a guidance tutor who marks your assignments and gives you feedback if it’s not quite right. Then it all gets rechecked by an independent tutor. I found it really good as I did mine around my full time job – did research in my lunch breaks then did my assignments when I got home. Hope this helps!!”
A – “If you worked with older children you could look at CYPW lever 3 or play works”
A – “In currently working in a pre school five days a week level 2 qualified. I’m currently doing my level 3 in childcare through learn direct and am doing my GCSE maths through them to. I already have a GCSE in English otherwise I could do that through them too.”
A – “Some nursery chains have their own training companies”
A – “Childminding?”
1 thought on “Im struggling to get my maths and english G.C.S.E’s, can i still work in childcare?”
I have studied my level 1 and level 2 child care but could not go onto my level 3 of my grades but now I am studying my GCSE maths and my functional English I have a lot of experience in child care of my placements I have done I allways have wanted to work with children but my grades also stoped me doing an apprentiship in most nuercerys I am looking for an apprentiship now still to work with children and to try do maths and English on the night times.