What questions will i be asked in Scotland for an early years supervisor job?


Q – “I have an interview for an early years supervisor post (in scotland) and was wondering if anyone has a rough ideas of the type of questions that will be asked? Or any documentation I should read up on? ”


A – “The curriculums r differet so curriculum for excellence and prebirth to three wus b good to look at and building the ambition and how good is our early learning and childcare they are important documents they might ask if you know wud b good to say you’ve looked at them and getting it right for every child u can see them all online good luck hope it helps and it’s not to panic you just stuff they may ask”

A – “British values , Prevent Duty , How you would deal with challenging behaviour , How you would support a child with communication difficulties , knowledge of Autism , How to deal with conflict between staff , how you would deal with a complaint from a parent , How you would support a member of staff with regards to training issues , Current Issues relating to early years & how this might affect the setting and your role”

A – “How to embed Building the ambition… understanding of hgioelc… c for e, care inspectorate guidance on outdoor learning, care inspectorate guidance on language, Girfec (esp understanding of shanarri wellbeing indicators) obs and planning and agree- check local authority guidance. Which area are you going to ?”

A – “Building the ambition is a document that settings are big on. It’s actually quite a nice document.  Also have a look at your local councils documents for curriculum for excellence. I’m in Edinburgh and we have pathways to learning outcomes”

A – “Child protection, team building/conflict, curriculum question, dealing with a child (behaviourial, child with needs etc), your skills and qualities, experience of being a supervisior or running a team. Our curriculums are Pre-Birth to three and Curriculum for Excellence. A new document is relevant how good is our early learning and childcare. Documents such as GIRFEC (SHANARRI) etc”

A – “Definitely self evaluation frameworks and how you would use these. As it’s a supervisory post read the job spec carefully to see what additional duties are included and prepare for questions around these areas. I would also want to know about your team building and communication skills. Think of examples from practice to back them up and be confident good luck”

A – “Safeguarding, Lado, prevent duty, dealing with conflict, how you would deal with conflict within a team, activities, observation, planning”



2 thoughts on “What questions will i be asked in Scotland for an early years supervisor job?”

  1. Familiarise yourself with national documents and local authority guidelines/policies. Self evaluation documents and look at inspection guidelines.

    Answer as a leader.

    Also a lot of interviews are competency based.

    Study job description and roles/responsibilities. Look at person specification and have scenarios of how you demonstrate those competencies. Answer reflectively too.

    Some require presentations on the day. Usually on a specific topic. You’ll have 10/15 mins to prepare,

    Good luck.

    1. Im looking at building the ambition atm does anyone have specific examples of how its used in a setting .. i know the document and i know the practice i struggle linking them together in specific examples of how i use this in my setting … the more i research the more im confusing myself … thank you x

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