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How practitioners can support children with speech difficulties

5 top tips on how practitioners can support children with speech difficulties within the setting

Many children who have speech difficulties attend a childcare setting; these children are supported in varies way depending on the level of support needed. Often practitioners will attend outside training courses to acquire the necessary skills to help support the children within the nursery. If practitioners are not qualified enough to support these children outside agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists are invited in to give their advice and support.

To support children’s language and communication development within the setting you can use Together Let’s Talk Communication and Language Tracking Tool. This support tool can be used by practitioners to determine whether children require further support in this area of development. Sometimes sharing your concerns with parents can often be difficult. As parents are with their child all the time they may not necessarily notice any difficulties with their speech, and this can often mean that they don’t share the same concern as you. It is fundamental that the key person works closely with the parents to help support the child both at home and at nursery. 

Here are five tips for on how practitioners can help support children with speech difficulties within the setting

Don’t forget to approach your setting’s SENCO for further help and advice. When referring a child to an outside agency for further support first ensure you have parental consent and involve your SENCO in the referral process.

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