Free SEND Training Course

SEND Training for those working with children

This free SEND training course aims to help those professionals working with children from 0-25 years. The course will help develop a high-quality practice that will in turn help meet the needs of children with SEND.

The modules within the course look more closely at

  • High-quality practice and what this actually means for SEND
  • The participation and engagement of children, parents and families
  • Identifying children’s needs and the role of assessment
  • The cycle of assessing, plan, do and review

This course will help teachers and early years practitioners develop the skills of reflective practice.



24 thoughts on “Free SEND Training Course”

  1. Is this course still available? And would it be for a beginner as I’ve always been safeguarding lead and my deputy did all the sendco but I need a better understanding from the start how to start the process and step by step advise on next steps

  2. I am interested in this course, but would like more information on the time commitment it requires, as well as how it is accessed.

  3. Hi I am currently doing voluntary work in a school and would like to widen my knowledge. Would this course be good for me? Or is more for actual teachers and SENCOs

    Thank you

  4. I currently work with adults with LD and Autism but would like to be able to support children so feel this course could really help me.

  5. Hi, I’m interested in this course, could you tell me how long or how many modules it is and do you get a certificate or anything at the end.

  6. I love to train for senco as I feel with my living experience and the lack of supports in schools I feel I will make a diffence to children struggling

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