How does your setting promote the British Values?

In 2014 Department for Education introduced “British Values” into all schools and Early Years providers. The British Values in divided into four categories;
- Democracy
- Individual Liberty
- Rule of Law
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance for those with different faiths
It is important that you promote British Values in your setting and you are able to evidence this in your everyday practice. From September 2015 Ofsted are now inspecting all early years settings including childminders on how they are actively promoting British values. It is down to managers and leader to ensure everyone is fully aware of these values and that they are embedded in everyday practice. These values are not something new that needs introducing they should be happening in early years settings all the time.
Support tool to help settings document how they are promoting the British Values
We have included an easy to follow support tool, breaking down British Values into the four areas. Each area has a description and how this can be observed in your setting. We have also included an evidence suggestion box, giving you ideas on how to promote each one of the British Values. There is a final box for you to add how your setting promotes each of the values.
To download our support tool click here