How negativity can destroy your team

Dealing with negativity within the room

There can often be a time when practitioners become negative for several reasons. One of which can be that they are just not happy in their job another could be they don’t have the support from other team members. Having a team member who is displaying negativity can cause many issues. If this is not dealt with further issues could arise.

It is good practice to observe the practitioner as well as other team members as there can often be an issue with the team rather than the individual. When talking to the individual use evidence from observations you have completed.

If other members of staff are bringing this to the manager’s attention note down what has been said and thank them for bringing this to your attention.

As this situation needs dealing with immediately arranging a one to one is essential. Finding that all important time can often be the key to resolving these issues. Encouraging practitioners to reflect on why they are feeling like this can help managers understand why they may be feeling like this. It is sometimes best to explain to the practitioner that their negativity is affecting the team and if this continues it will affect the children.

Creating a happy workforce is what all managers would like to have, however, this is not always the case and when situations arise they need dealing with straight away. Placing both the employees and children’s welfare at the heart is what makes a successful establishment.



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